6.    Learning Activities

                      ¡ Hey ! Let's start

We are going to develop some activities to organize our project 
 1.  First Activity

      Answer these questions

 * Who are you?  (self presentation)

 * How do you look like? (description)

Write the texts on your notebook and correct them with your teacher.

2. Second Activity

    Likes and Dislikes
    * What do you like?
    * What do you dislikes?

Think on your favoritessand tell us what do you like. What is your favorite color, sport, scholar area, food , music, bands, singers clothing and activities... Use the expression LIKE TO, 

3. Third Activity

     What about your family?    Introduce your family

        *  Who are your parents?
        *  Where do you live?         
        *  Do you have brothers?
        *  How do they look like?   

4. Fourth Activity
    Who are your friends? Do you like to share with them?
* Introduce your friends

5. Look for some personal, family and friends photos, and illustrate the slides in power point.
    Be creative, use everything you  



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